Southeast Asia Accreditation Body

Accreditation Procedures

Stage 1

Applicant Prepares the relevant documents required to obtain accreditation. Submits an application to the Accreditation Center with the attachment of the required documents directly, via postal communication or electronically with a notification of their receipt.

Stage 2

1. Examines the application with respect to completeness of the submitted documents and information:
a) in case of a positive result, an agreement on the provision of accreditation services is prepared.
b) in case of incompleteness of documents – hands the documents back.
2.After payment of the Center’s services, the Center conducts examination of the submitted documents.
3. If any comments on the results of the examination are detected, inform the accreditation object about it in order to eliminate them prior to the on-site conformity assessment.
4. Upon completion of the examination of the submitted documents, forms an assessment group.
5. In case of failure to provide conditions for the on-site assessment, the Center will suspend the assessment.
6. Performs on-site, witness assessments in relevant accreditation schemes and delivers appropriate reports
7. In the case of a positive report, it is submitted to the Center for consideration at a meeting of the accreditation commission.

Stage 3

1. When the assessment group prepares an assessment report with a conclusion about the nonconformity of the accreditation object with the established requirements, it develops and submits to the Center an action plan to address the nonconformity and a report on its implementation.
2. Immediately upon the receipt of information on action plan implementation and supporting documents for elimination of nonconformities, the Center authorizes the assessment group to examine the facts of elimination of nonconformities by the accreditation object.
3. Provides for examination of the efficiency of the actions taken.
4. Based on the results of the examination, it prepares a final assessment report and submits it to the Center for consideration at a meeting of the accreditation commission.

Stage 4

1. Ensures that the results of the assessment are considered at the meeting of the accreditation commission.
2. Upon accreditation commission’s positive decision, a post-accreditation agreement is concluded between the Center and the accreditation object and accreditation certificate is issued.
3. Upon accreditation commission’s negative decision, a written notification of the refusal of accreditation is sent to the accreditation object.